To avoid being caught, poachers spread out in large territories would hunt and kill
during the dead of night. With funding partially provided by the WWF, the rangers
acquired night vision technology to better see, track and capture the poachers. For the background, I chose a camouflage pattern similar to their fatigues as I wanted this to illustrate the challenge of seeing the poachers in the forests at night.WIRED magazine hired me to shoot these portraits of the rangers and this was my way to help tell that story.
during the dead of night. With funding partially provided by the WWF, the rangers
acquired night vision technology to better see, track and capture the poachers. For the background, I chose a camouflage pattern similar to their fatigues as I wanted this to illustrate the challenge of seeing the poachers in the forests at night.WIRED magazine hired me to shoot these portraits of the rangers and this was my way to help tell that story.